San Francisco, but they moved! Not sure where they are now tbh. Lol!
Tell me about it. It was the users thread I replied too. I'm rolling my eyes IRL. Hahaha!
TRUEEEEEE. She was never my favorite tho. No matter what I did she never wanted to move out, and now she finally is! F I N A L L Y.
Plot resetting is a bit tricky. When you know you're going to have a villager move in, on the day they move in (which is usually a day or 2 after one of your villagers move out), instead of starting your game with your Mayor, create a new character. Once you've boarded off the train, look for where the new villager decided to plop their house. If it's in a place you're good with, build your house and save. If you're not happy with the house's position, quit game (without saving) and start the process again. IDK if I got to explain that correctly. sounds complicated, but it's simple, just tedious. It's a paaaaaain.