Mommii Feb 8, 2016 So sorry, I cleaned out my friends list and forgot about it... gates are open again.
cosmylk Feb 8, 2016 dude. get some rest. temp close your thread or put in bold red text. -- no more orders after this post, any orders will be ignored -- I worry for you D:
dude. get some rest. temp close your thread or put in bold red text. -- no more orders after this post, any orders will be ignored -- I worry for you D:
Rabirin Feb 8, 2016 Alright, i'll add your fc and then open my gates. Mayor name and Town name should be Rebecca from Milk
Alright, i'll add your fc and then open my gates. Mayor name and Town name should be Rebecca from Milk
ReiraEvenstar Feb 8, 2016 I forgot what I ordered. LOL. and how much was it? I will be available in about 10-15 minutes
L L LoveOtome Feb 8, 2016 Hi I'm online and I've sent the bells. Just let me know when you're set and I'll log on my DS
Kayrii Feb 8, 2016 Booting up my main town now and opening the gates ^.^ Come whenever you're ready xD
Kayrii Feb 8, 2016 Just trying to move Fang in from my campsite in one of my cycle towns.. Shouldn't take long then I can switch to my main town and open. If that's ok??
Just trying to move Fang in from my campsite in one of my cycle towns.. Shouldn't take long then I can switch to my main town and open. If that's ok??
C C Cold.Freeze Feb 8, 2016 hey i just added you as a friend if you need my fc its is in my signature.If you could deliver at around 9pm eastern time that would wor greatly.
hey i just added you as a friend if you need my fc its is in my signature.If you could deliver at around 9pm eastern time that would wor greatly.
X X Xylia Feb 8, 2016 Yeah I know you've been swamped D: And I'd love it if you could come deliver!! Thank you! I'll open my gate give me 2 minutes
Yeah I know you've been swamped D: And I'd love it if you could come deliver!! Thank you! I'll open my gate give me 2 minutes