• Alrighty, I'll send you the TBT now, and add you; do you mind coming to my town?
    Hello, I'm definitely still interested! Let me know when you're available today. If possible, could I have about 30 of each, for a total of 60 TBT? If you don't have that much I'll just take however much you're willing to spare. Thank you very much!
    If I could have blue and purple roses, that would be lovely, thank you! <3
    Oh but I won't be online until around 10pm CST.. I hope that's not a problem >~<
    Kk, give me 5 min, I'm picking up an item from a friend. Did you want me to open or did you want to stop by?
    I'm on and will be for a bit, so whenever you'd like you can drop by if you want or I can come by ^^ just let me know~ and sorry for the multiple messages
    Thank you so much! I've been trying to breed a pair I have and they refuse to give me anything other than red lilies and roses .___. Just let me know when you have them, I'm already home so I'll be on in a few
    So sorry but would you mind adding 5 orange roses and 10 orange lilies if you have them?? So sorry! I just realized I could have ordered them all from you instead of looking elsewhere for them >< if not, it's ok.
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