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  • Totally, films usually have a time limit and so they can't really add everything they wanted to. And depending on the director/writer it's better to read the book in case they don't explain things or they do in the film but you understand a lot by reading the book.
    I'm really into the dark stories that they were originally. Or like things they just don't add as you said. There's an anime I've watched and I really like it and went back to read the manga, and found some really funny and interesting chapters that didn't get an episode. Ah really~?! I hadn't known, that's really interesting!
    oh yeah I'll definitely be interested finding and reading the book~I like finding the novels that lead onto films or fairy tales. Like I have Peter Pan's original book, it's a lot more darker than the film.
    I hadn't realised it was a novel until I looked it up XD There's also another film, by the same people called 'the life of gusko budori' which seems very interesting too. Has the same art style as the other movie.
    Just gotta say, I love your town flag design!! It makes me wanna watch that movie again XD
    hiya my apologies for seeing this late.
    Would you be able to get your items soon~?
    Hi! I was just waiting for your town to open :) but I'll be available in a few hours later and tomorrow after 2PM PST.
    Agnes is in boxes now and ready to move c:
    I’ll add your friend code and then I’ll open my gates, okay?
    hello!~ Coco will be ready for you in about 10 minutes. Are you available now, or would you rather come pick her up later?
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