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  • Let me know if there's any problems with my last order :) also, is it possible for you to get an arceus? Not sure how that worked so I didn't fill out an order for it yet
    Unfortunately not, thought I'd try my luck on a link trade with someone but it wouldn't go through, no idea how they managed to get it through the wonder trade?
    It's been ages since I played BW, and even then it wasn't my favourite...wishing i had made the effort now to try and get DB/HA pokes
    Do you know if there's a list somewhere of what pokes can come in dream balls?
    I just had a a komala from wonder trade in a DB ;) shiny and level 100. How very inconspicuous
    Sent~ Dang I need to clear that inbox c; I love FR´s inbox,, it seems to have no limit^^
    Good luck, you`re so close!
    Ah, my starters look awesome :)
    Naturally I'll be back with more literally don't have to do anything else to earn tbt again as long as you have me as a customer ;)
    Awesome :) I'll just go on festival plaza!
    Once we done with the first lot, I'll switch over to sun to get the 3 kanto starters :) thank you!
    Omg...I forgot about that. Will keep my fingers crossed ;)

    For chimchar, can I have a level 10 shiny male, jolly nature. In a dream ball if possible but luxury is fine if not, 6ivs, any EV's, ability iron fist, moves: thunder punch, fire punch, blaze kick, submission

    And totodile - a level 10 shiny female, any EV's, 6ivs, admamet nature, ability sheer force. Moves: thrash, crunch, ice punch, hydro pump. Dream ball again if possible but luxury is fine if not

    Let me know if there's any problems of course ;)
    Nope that doesn't matter :) would just love to get them in shiny :)
    Shall I put the order for those two with the others on your thread or just post here?
    Lmao ;) I just saw! Just edited another 3 on as you were replying!
    oh and regular form is good for rotom :)
    Was mostly totodile I wanted in shiny really...and then maybe like chimchar from diamond as I would love to see him in my game again
    Hey Sheimi :) I just put in another order with you, could I have the starters sent to sun please if I can switch in between? Growing a collection of lucky eggs ;) save swapping them around
    Also, is it possible for you to create pokes like the ones from gold/silver? The starters really...
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