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  • hey, you havent gotten back to me on here about the furvillla account. I made one a couple days ago. please let me know..
    np!! you're a lifesaver for doing this tbh
    and it's the least I can do for making you wait haha
    would you prefer getting payment now or after? :-]
    and lmao I FORGOT TO ADD MY IGN whoops
    AAH ofc the one time I step outside my room for a while, you're back online xD;;
    so sorry I missed you!! if you're not feeling up to it tonight, what time is ideal for you tomorrow? I'm free basically the whole day so hopefully we can work something out :-]
    yes! would you like to send the trade request or should I?

    oh also my fc is 5000-4000-2564
    What's your schedule generally Shiemi? Would help to know when you are around, before VMing to say I am.
    hey! I was the person who asked for edits to A-Raichu :-D
    I'm online rn and will be for the next few hours; I'll register your FC now and then go online in the Plaza so I don't miss you when you come on haha
    I can trade now if you would like. I was trying to evolve one of the Rockruffs first, but I can't find someone with Sun.
    oh jeez bby i was knocked out XD
    how bout you message me when youre good bc ill be checkin all day today
    ahah youre good bby, are you still good to go? :3c ive alrdy got you added im ps so yea
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