L L Llust Apr 14, 2016 i had a lot of fun as well! i'm actually about to stream again in a moment, so look out in the museum board for my thread.
i had a lot of fun as well! i'm actually about to stream again in a moment, so look out in the museum board for my thread.
M M meowduck Apr 12, 2016 Oops srry Dx mom needs my help with ordering D: will you be on in an Hour??
M M meowduck Apr 12, 2016 hey there! I think i'd sell a good chunk of it c: I only use it at HMcaprica's store anyway cx so I guess i'll sell 300 c: and I totally would go over c:
hey there! I think i'd sell a good chunk of it c: I only use it at HMcaprica's store anyway cx so I guess i'll sell 300 c: and I totally would go over c:
chibibunnyx Apr 11, 2016 Sorry, I was out most of the day >_< I can give you 100 TBT for 20 million bells. If you want to trade please let me know, and I'll add you ^_^
Sorry, I was out most of the day >_< I can give you 100 TBT for 20 million bells. If you want to trade please let me know, and I'll add you ^_^
piske Apr 2, 2016 I think I followed you! Sorry, I am new to twitter so I'm not sure how it all works!
piske Apr 2, 2016 Hi! Sure! So...I don't really know how to link to my profile lol ;u; try this? https://twitter.com/minipinelle
Hi! Sure! So...I don't really know how to link to my profile lol ;u; try this? https://twitter.com/minipinelle