Yes it is a bit stressful. We are happy that she is no longer suffering and also that she had her final wishes fulfilled. Thank you very much for thinking of us. For some reason I thought tomorrow was the 6th. Hope that you had a good night, take care and thank you again.
Still would like to visit if I don't do something I will go crazy. I think now that the shock is over we are coping very well. I am trying to do things to keep me busy. We just got back from seeing husbands parents this morning. We cant really do anything until Monday.
Thank you so much. We know it was going to happen soon because she was suffering from kidney failure. It didn't make it any easier. My husband is a wreck as it was his grandmother. I may play the game and I may not. I will let you know how things are tomorrow. Ah so much to think about. Thanks again have to go.
I am so sorry! I will check on the FC in just a minute, when the gate closes. Try and come with the next group- if you can. If you cannot, I can open up for you at your convenience anytime on this upcoming Sunday.