Sorry I have been off and on today. Been trying to working on getting m dreamer badges. Its a lot of work lol. I have all of your items now. If you are available. Have to go out this evening possibly.
Yep. I have all of your items in. Limited space for them Will you be on this evening around 10 pm your time? I will be home around 3pm EST for my girls.
OMG I am sorry, this weekend has been non stop. We are trying to get a vehicle ready to be licensed for the road. I am just heading out the door again to pick up parts for our van. My daughter has been home today not well. Taking all of my extra hybrids from my beach. I have hardly had a chance to sit down. I am sorry again. Animal crossing kinda slipped my mind this weekend.
Hi just wanted to let you know that I will not be able to go online with my DS most of the day. I have to go and get repairs done on my truck today along with some other errands. Not sure what time I will be home. I will let you know when I can come over I can get either of the gorgeous furniture items you are looking for, just let me know which one you would prefer
Oh hi yes of course. I will bring a bunch of pink hydrangeas. I need 10 minutes I am working on an sub characters house. I will let you know when I am ready