Hi, I'm still interested in the sweet olive starts! Sorry for the late reply, I couldn't access net yesterday. If you're still selling them, I can come pick them up sometime early in the morning.
Sure! I do have an extra rainbow feather that you can have c: I'll bring over one of each other color as well. I added your fc so lemme know when your gate is open.
I'm actually about to TT forward because I need to get a villager out, but I've already caught a ton of feathers and I dunno what the heck to do with them xD Which colors are you looking for? I can drop a few off at your town.
Yes, I still want to buy the starts! I won't be online much for long to claim them, but I'll be here again in 12 hours or so. If you have more sweet olive starts, I'd like to buy them all c: