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  • I'm holding on for that restock hhh

    Also I want the common feathers too to make this extra difficult
    Haha, sorry I missed you. I can see both your candies and your eggs have been sold. I'll wait to see if there's anything else left. :)
    Hey sorry for the wait ;v;
    Could the message for the garnet be this?:

    He has a heart of gold, a beautiful singing voice, and a lot of hope... a bit too much hope.

    (Sorry if it sounds odd it's just a reference from something ^^")
    I know you were trying to sell everything earlier(and it still says so in your user title). Is there anything else you have up for cheap or average, like candies, eggs, etc.?
    Thank you for selling your yellow feather extra cheap! I would buy the red or blue one too, but I want to have some TBT left to spare for now.
    I just want to let you know I have enough TBT for the green balloon now, and can pay when you're ready to trade.

    Also, could you possibly lower the price to 2100? If not, that's ok, I can pay 2200. :)
    Just so you know, I'm willing to do 700 for the Candy Easter Egg since I saw someone else offered the same price as I did on your thread.
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