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  • Well then how about this deal, you give me pokeball collectible and I give you 1 TBT.
    It's a very good price, you can't deny!
    Thanks but it's never going to happen I will never save up the amount of TBT lol
    It's a collectible that I have wanted for awhile but I know I will never get, lol
    Sorry lol I said can I have your pokeball please thanks
    I thought I sounded a bit demanding xD
    But I do really want it!
    That sucks that you're leaving :c
    I can completely understand, I have a ton of schoolwork I need to do but tbt distracts me.
    I hope you come back when you're not as busy!
    I'll really miss you :c
    just saw that you're leaving tbt Jacob! good luck with school & focusing on more important things :)
    Ahhhhh, I saw your thread, Buddy! I'm so sorry to see you go, but yeah, gotta make school a priority. Come back during breaks and stuff, we'll all miss you. :(
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