Renn! Happy New Year to one of the most amazing people I know! Hard to imagine there is someone as kind, and talented, and amazing as you! I hope 2024 brings you everything your heart desires!
And same to you my beautiful friend <3 I am on twitter (jadetchii) although I'll be honest I haven't drawn in a while and I'm only just recently getting back into it. My discord is also jadetchii if you'd like to add me on there, too! If there is anything I can help with art wise let me know - you have improved so much in your art, sometimes we're our own worst critics (especially when it comes to creativity). I wish I had an ounce of the brilliant mind you have and I LOVE seeing your art on here !! It's one of the reasons why I always pop back <3 I hope you're keeping well & have a lovely time through the holidays