Ikr we haven't had a proper conversation in about 5 months.. ;-; we call it secondary school btw
. I will probably never be able to get on tiny again though until we get permanent internet. I have been blocked on tfsisawesome on my tiny app because I was a new user and forgot to change my name and tiny had been blocked on the place I use internet.
Merry early christmas (◕‿◕) ( < I have no idea why i put that I just felt like it xD). I might be able to get on around new year and christmas for a few days (Omg remember that new year party on tiny last year xD) but that is all really.
I really do not have much else to tell you which is depressing because we used to talk about a load of random crap. This is the probably the last time I will talk to you unless I can get on tommorow.
Yours Sincerely,
Kangaroo xD