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  • No problem. :) Just let me know when you are ready. I believe I have already added your FC.

    Mine is: 4742-5654-2876
    I see that you're online. Would you like to pickup your prize (Rayquaza) now?
    Yeah, I looked up your timezone and you are 4 hours ahead of me (I'm EST time) so, as long as I'm on before nighttime here I should be able to catch you on. Hopefully I'll see you in the next few days. Thanks! :)
    My game started glitching and wouldn't show the ditto >^< Sorry about that!
    Could you please let me know when you will likely be on within the next few days, because I am now done exams and can likely send you Rayquaza soon. Thanks! :)
    Sorry I haven't been online much to deliver your prize (Rayquaza). I've been busy with the end of school, but don't worry I'll get him to you sooner or later! I'm done school after Wednesday next week, so I should be able to catch you on around then. Catch you soon! ^.^
    What kinds of pokemon did you get? :D :D We should do another poke battle soon -v- we never got to finish our last one >:U

    ;v; WELLLLLL, not much is new, but I got MK8 the day it was released, and it came with a code you could use to get a free game and I got pikmin 3 so YAYYY! me liek free stuff
    How's it going with you? ovo do you still use chatzy?
    Probs like 200-400 TBT per, but I'm not exactly sure D: Haven't seen a lot of people selling those types of pokemon.
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