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  • right. another quick question, will it be an all above 50 reset to 50 match or just any level allowed?
    The number count in "Quick, before the mods come!" Is getting too high. Can you go fix it? Thanks :3
    I may have said this on my thread, but did you know that every house is based after the four most populous states in the United States? It's actually true. I even planned it from day 1.

    If you gave my town a grade from 0% to 100%, what would my grade be?
    I finally got my dream town published. I hope you visit some time.

    I have a thread in the Wi-fi board on my dream town. You can use that to write your review.
    Hey, I currently dont know if there is a rule for overpricing villagers, But here is the link:
    The guy was selling Erik for 40 TBT, i told him to lower the price a bit, and even showed him Flare's popularity list.
    Usually, Tier 2 villagers are worth 20 TBT.
    The guy gave me an excuse saying "he's the second most valuable"
    It makes me grind my teeth looking at that, knowing that he basically just sold a villager for an unreasonable price.
    I'll pray for your soup because no soup deserves such horrible fate, but I'm still not praying for Digby because HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT :mad:
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