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  • Hey, I have a favor to ask. Could you move my "~♥✿| Hybrids |✿♥~" thread to the Retail? I started the thread a year ago when we'd sell animal crossing items for TBT in the TBT Marketplace, and I'm wanting to start the thread up again. Thank you!
    I will try to be on when you're on buddy.

    This wank needs to play his tourney match >: (

    Come visit Melbourne and I'll give you half! I need your hot cocoa too. Very fair trade if I say so myself :cool:
    It'll be so worth it though xD GO FORTH AND CONSUME ALL

    I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO GET DIABETES TOO, after the last chat I can't resist the temptation and made too much cheesecake. Wat do now. If I never log in again, please tell the others I went into a cheesecake induced coma :'D

    ayy screw u starbucks scum!!

    and dude i should have
    i went to a waterpark with some co-workers and put on hella sunscreen every other hours but my shoulders look like kirby fml
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