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  • Hello, I was inspired by your blog bidoofcrossing and I created my own blog. How do you change the background with an image? I can only change the background with colors.
    It's your Birthday? Happy Birthday! (I'm guessing it's your birthday because of Holls.) Anyway, I'm just wondering, but you're Bidoof Crossing (something like that) from tumblr, aren't you?
    Ricky: Why u do dis to me?
    Jake: Becos I h8 u

    'Nuff said. I hate Ricky too, he was a original villager in my town. Oh, how I used to hit him with my net. Oh, how Isabelle used to sanction me on my mistreatment. Oh, how I couldn't give a ****.

    Good times.
    You're welcome. I watched 'Jake's & Ricky's adventure' and after watching it I had no idea why I had in the first place! It was funny, though.
    If you want to catch up sometime, I should add you.
    (P.S. I know you don't trade FC's often, that's ok.)
    Hey Jake, how's it going?
    Just thought I'd say 'Hi' as I haven't spoken to you in a while.
    I enjoy reading your blog, by the way. Very entertaining. :3
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