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  • Shrunk will forever strut his donger when thinking of his Waifu.

    Also you don't need to raise dongers to impress me, you have many other skills!
    I am on my iPad so I cannot type more danger comments.

    For tonight.
    Live long, live donger.
    (°ロ°)☝ ... (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง I'm ready to raise my donger for you... Senpai! °Д°
    Being a Brit has its silly times otherwise I feel fineeee.

    And nuh! You're totes cool! Shy types are always the best anyway ;3;
    Why have I never actually spoke to you properly before, I feel so stupid unu

    You're like, hella interesting and stuff maaaan.
    It looks amazing, thank you so much! C:
    Sorry that your scanner is broken, but i'm okay with not getting a scan of it. it's still absolutely awesome. Thank you! ^_^
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