Hyoshido May 28, 2014 Shrunk will forever strut his donger when thinking of his Waifu. Also you don't need to raise dongers to impress me, you have many other skills!
Shrunk will forever strut his donger when thinking of his Waifu. Also you don't need to raise dongers to impress me, you have many other skills!
Hyoshido May 27, 2014 I am on my iPad so I cannot type more danger comments. For tonight. Live long, live donger.
Hyoshido May 24, 2014 Being a Brit has its silly times otherwise I feel fineeee. And nuh! You're totes cool! Shy types are always the best anyway ;3;
Being a Brit has its silly times otherwise I feel fineeee. And nuh! You're totes cool! Shy types are always the best anyway ;3;
Hyoshido May 23, 2014 Why have I never actually spoke to you properly before, I feel so stupid unu You're like, hella interesting and stuff maaaan.
Why have I never actually spoke to you properly before, I feel so stupid unu You're like, hella interesting and stuff maaaan.
Yookey Apr 24, 2014 It looks amazing, thank you so much! C: Sorry that your scanner is broken, but i'm okay with not getting a scan of it. it's still absolutely awesome. Thank you! ^_^
It looks amazing, thank you so much! C: Sorry that your scanner is broken, but i'm okay with not getting a scan of it. it's still absolutely awesome. Thank you! ^_^