• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • Good luck in all your future endeavors, my good man. Anyways, if you ever end up back on here, shoot me a message. It'd be cool to talk one day.
    Just to let you know, your post reeks of longing for recognition of self-capability and independence. While it's nice to have those things, you're not going to find them on a good bye post on a forum. Your whole post is contradictory by the fact that you spent out so much time to write something about how you don't want to waste your life here.
    I can wait another ten minutes or so but after that I'll have to move on x.x Sorry but my trade is coming up :C
    I have like 20m myself aswell. My bank committed suicide when I had to pay 20m for a buddys dreamie. The 20m I have isn't going to last either... Gotta buy carnations for 10m and all the commissions here on tbt are so alluring.

    I'm also thinking of making my cycling town a second main, which would kill cycling = income. Picking the 10 dreamies for a second town was hell. Only then did I notice how picky I am when it comes to villagers and how many I absolutely despise xD I would not be able to fill a third town with villagers I like.
    Dat double post x3 The problem with the current buyer is that our timezones clash alot. It's impossible to find a time with both of us online.
    I agree with the gender thing, I tried my best to have somewhat of a balanced amount of guys and gals x3 Too bad I'm not too fond of female personalities so couldn't have more than one of each.
    Oh yeah, I've had really horrible luck with getting bells for villagers. I entirely gave up on auctions when I had to accept ~2m for Lolly. Too bad this is the only way for me to get bells x3
    Eh I spose I can mention this? I has Erik, moving out in a couple days infact. However I've got an offer of 10m for him already. If you can top it you may have him.
    I understand if you're not interested, I'd personally never want to pay that much for a villager, but I thought I'd just mention it.
    Okay, I'm open to talk about why you're upset, but it's only fair to point out that it's Mozzy's discretion. Yes, I know you know that. I wasn't trying to be rude, and you weren't trying to be rude. I've been in the same position as you, believe me. I like talking things out rather than leaving a bitter afterthought, so feel free to PM me if you want to work things out.

    If you let me know which of the villagers you've really been trying to get, I'll be glad to keep my eyes open for them, but we have to reach a level of mutual understanding, okay? Please, let's just try to work this out civilly.
    I've seen you being rude / whiny on several threads, even if it was unintentional. It was up to Mozzy to decide anyway, so I'm not sure why you're raging at me. I would have gladly given you Marina if I had her and if you weren't so rude. =/
    Please don't whine and spam our thread just because you didnt get a villager. The bad rating you gave the thread was not necessary either. =/
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