Haha, you aren't the only one that has done physical cities/states as the names of your towns. My AC:CF town was named Orlando which is pretty similar to your Miami one! Florida also a dream vacation spot of yours?
I ended up naming my New Leaf town after Toronto because my first choice didn't fit the character limit, but ironically I ended up moving here for university. As much as I want the next game in the series to come out, I don't think I have the creativity at the moment to think of a great town name. Too much pressure, haha!
That's great to hear! Can you still speak the language? Ich kann Deutsch sprechen, aber sehr schlecht. Meine Grammatik funktioniert nicht! In high school I did an exchange year and lived with a host family in the Frankfurt area and absolutely loved it. So many people complain about the sound of the language, but yeah I also really enjoy it! Granted I should probably work on expanding my song tastes beyond Cro and Robin Schulz