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  • Ok, let's go to trade then right now, with the four that I previously mentioned, and the Darkrai. How much it will cost all?
    It´s ok, but I was thinking about the other ones. I want them with nicknames, but I don't have the names right now. So maybe we could trade now, and when you are less busy you could nickname them.
    Ok, I will add you right now. Also I wanted a Darkrai and a Arceus, and what the heck, also the trio of birds.
    Sorry about the late reply! I can't be on tonight, but how's tomorrow? I'm free almost all day! Just not at night.
    Aw that's sorry to hear. :( But okay, I'll see you in a dream. I'll probably let you know my impression when I'm back from your dream town. Please don't get mad at me even if I said weird comment!
    Hey, I'm currently collecting the candles at the moment (trying to get 10), do you have any you want to trade with me or are you trying to trade for one of mine (it's been a long day so my mind is not comprehending your message well at the moment :/ )?
    That's nice. c: Every mistake is a lesson, and I learned never to resell again unless I'm sure of what I'm doing. xD
    Thank you for the business! (I already gave away one but I'm in dire need of bells so I wanted to get at least something for the remaining ones I had x) )
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