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  • I'm so sorry about earlier. I had to leave for a bit to do something important, and I completly forgot we were about to meet up. I'll be available again shortly if you're still on, but might not be available again till sometime on Sunday. I'm preparing to have a guest over for the weekend. I can wait however long for the hat, but I wanted to apologize. I'm really sorry.
    Okay for some reason your giveaway thread is being weird and I can't see the new posts, it'll let me submit, but it won't show up.
    sure. i need the ores for my 2nd town and u can pick it up from my first town. but can you wait for 15mins first?
    Alright. But can you make trips to both of my town? I want only the lemon scoop and yellow bunny for my first town and the rest of the balloons for my 2nd town. Adding you now.
    I noticed you tried to send me a PM before. Sorry, but my inbox was full. I just emptied it, so if you still need to tell me something, you can do so by VM or PM now :)
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