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  • Wow Thank you so much! Its a tiny bit sad that Mew is lvl 100 but hey, still Mew. :D
    I really didnt know, thank you so much!!!
    I've been busy with college and a bit of work; the game I've been playing is Fire Emblem Fates. :p Yeah, I hope my favorite villagers are still in my town (I can't remember if I did the "trick" that guarantees that no villager will move regardless how long I don't play the game); ><. At this point in time, I'm not sure if I'll be going back to New Leaf since it'll be so overwhelming to remember where I left off and what I was doing with all of that stuff that's cluttering my town lol. I was having so much fun with Happy Home Designer but then put that aside when I got a Ps4 for Christmas; after a few months playing a few games on that, Fire Emblem Fates came out and I haven't been able to put that down lol. I do miss my villagers though >< and I have missed chatting with people on the forums and trading. It's good to hear from you again! :]
    That's quite the accomplishment.
    I have yet to fill the pokedex since I got Y in 2013 (?). I would quit, and then get back into and delete my save. It was my first pokemon game, and I didn't have any GREAT pokemon. But now I have many great pokemon. Almost every shiny legendary .
    I'm not even sure what that is, or why it's great. I honestly only play pokemon for the story, and to complete the game. I don't battle online, and I don't breed, lol
    I only trade online with other people, and I like to do wonder trade, because sometimes people give out shiny legendary, or other shiny pokemon. And it's really exciting when that happens
    Oh and btw, That sucks about the email with the codes. I haven't received any emails in about a year. I used to have AOL mail, and signed up with my aol email on the pokemon site. So I don't think I got the codes, because I don't get any emails on that email anymore.

    And also, I already have the three birds. But it would have been nice to get 3 more for free, haha
    Hi I wondering how you got those pokemon codes? From logging into your pokemon account online?
    I know ive said this before but i LOVE the premier ball that you added! Thank you so much, again, for your help!! Good night my dude~
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