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  • Hey I'm sorry I'm late! I've got your Gyroid by my station, I also picked up Mega Rustoid, Lamentiod, and Mega Freakoid to add to my available list, dug them up today, if you're interested here's first dibs, lol!
    Hey! If you're still willing to trade starts I'm around right now, and I'll be around probably later this afternoon.
    Yes, I still need the pink pajama bottoms. I'll be online today anytime before 3:00pm CT, if not then I'll be available from 11:00am-3:00pm throughout the week :D
    whoops yes. that's my other cart. you'll be looking for dani from bagel. sorry for the confusion!!
    hey there! checked my threads late today (and i'm sorry about that ahhh), but i've got your order and we can trade in a little bit if you'd still like them. just need to get them from my inventory + lay them out at the station ^^
    Well I'd just like to get your regular saplings if that's alright? I don't know if you have any perfect fruit to spare other than pears if not that's okay. I could get you the feathers though not sure if I can throw in some amount of IGB?
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