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  • I actually didn't go to work I'm online. Lol :) I'll let you know when my gates are open <3
    Hi! Just in case you don't check my thread. Chief is ready for pick up :) I'll be on tomorrow after 4-5pm CST. I hope you're online <3

    Just about to move Deirdre in so unless you can hold until I get someone out that is not a deer, no ;u;
    Hi <3 I'm holding Chief for you! He's in my cycling town, so just let me know when you have space for him~
    Hey! Unfortunately, I have no room atm for Whitney. I am trying to get a few people out for others but am picking up someone already after I get the next villager out.
    Ok! I'm in the CST time zone and right now it's 9:19 am. Sorry I haven't been on lately, I was out of town yesterday
    Awesome :) I'll be on for a little while longer right now. About an hour? Idk if you'll be ok anymore today though...
    Hello. I'm guessing you play AC:NL for a long time now.
    Would you be able to order a Soccer Shorts and/or Blue Gym Shorts for me, if you have them in your catalogue?
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