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  • yeah I love that aspect of the game, that you can sell your "crops" to other people here bahaha. I used to sell hybrids on here too but it got too overwhelming when the orders got too large and my flowers weren't breeding fast enough :'(

    aww that's nice. I saw on your profile you speak korean too :eek: are you korean by any chance? aha
    It's totally cool! Likewise. I mainly make my money through the perfect fruit trade (too lazy to go to the island to catch bugs and I don't wanna buy bells through here.. kinda like I'm a simple farmer lmao) so I always have perfect apples available. You can just VM me if you do have a lot you want to trade. I'll let you know if my Re-tail premium is perfect pears too since I know that's your native now :3

    haha yes I'm originally from Seoul :D
    Yep! One of my villagers just moved out so perfect timing haha, adding you now :)
    Well, I did watch the first season of Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the end), and that's about vampires. That one was actually really good. Why haven't I watched season 2 yet? :confused:
    It sounds interesting tbh, so I might just chck it out. :)
    Yeah, I think he does. I haven't actually seen Durara myself, heheh. :p
    Thank you! ♥
    Noragami's amazing! :)
    Hmm, I haven't heard of that one, is it good?
    Yeah well, he's the voice of Eren. Could be Attack on Titan, hahah. ^^
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