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  • ay how r you?
    i got an imperial mask from a gilded chest, and even tho AH prices are still ridiculous, i lucked into a pc mask for 6kT and a mirror mask for 25g so far... so im up to 6 of the masks^^
    yeh the masks are only 2-star apparel.
    (unlike the invisibility cloak, for example, that's rare star)
    i kept my kit on purple bc it looked pleasing to me,
    but i had no clue it was gonna be tied into the dragon breeds aha.
    so i didnt opn my kit yet,
    but i got a spiral from an iron chest, and bought a fae for 20g on AH
    Hello! I was just messaging to see if youd be willing to sell your moonball to me?
    i didnt notice, i thought yours looked cool!

    are you getting into NotN?
    i keep getting the old stuff when i open chests, crikey
    ay i was thinking of buying some glitter markers too!
    (but then i forgot to print out the line-art before everything closed for Christmas so i had to go with MS Paint lol_)instead

    btw, merry Christmas! hope you had a nice holiday
    ah you don't have to get me more lights, but thank you for the thought :)
    (i wonder what theyre doing with the shop, we have tinsel currency now i see)
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