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  • Pssst, Friendly reminder, the war is tomorrow evening! Don't forget to transfer your spectral energy into ATK/DEF by tomorrow! 💚
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Thank you for the reminder! Got it all transferred now and ready 💚
    Just popping by to say that I love your lineup! It's so cute and the colors are perfect! ;v;
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    Reactions: -Mars- and JemAC
    Thank you! Got the Dreamy Egg in the last couple of days so was trying to work out what to put it with and thought they all worked quite well together ☺️
    Aaaaa Jem, thank you so much for the yellow candy and good luck! It was just what I needed to make a full yellow candy lineup! 🥰 Hope the antibiotics are working, and you are feeling any better? 🥺
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    Reactions: JemAC
    You’re very welcome! Saw you had 9 and thought it would be nice to make it the full amount, hopefully it will be a lucky one! ☺️ Antibiotics are starting to work and feeling a bit better thank you, still achy but not as rough as I was ❤️ hope you’re doing well?
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    Reactions: S.J.
    I'm doing well, thank you so much! So glad you are at least slowly recovering. 💕💖
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    Reactions: JemAC
    I love your avatar and signature!
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Thank you! Jadetine is really talented with her artwork - loving her work of inkling Dave!
    Jem I can't believe I missed your birthday (by so long, too)! I I am so sorry! 😭 Ever since the fair started I've been forgetting to check the birthday square every day. 😔

    I hope you had an amazing birthday, because you completely deserve it. Thank you for being the amazing person you are! 💕💖🌟
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    Reactions: JemAC
    You’re very welcome 💕 glad you’ve been doing well, hopefully you get a break soon to recover from all the busy days☺️

    I haven’t been too bad thank you, just recovering from an infection and finished a course of antibiotics but feeling a lot better then I had and got chance to catch up on a lot of sleep ☺️
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Oh no! That sounds terrible. I'm glad you've been able to catch up on sleep, but I hope you feel fully recovered soon! 💖
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Thank you 💕
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Hope you are ok! 💜 👀 just looking for fairydust ✨✨💜✨✨
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Hi Roxxy! I'm good thank you, hope you're okay too? All that fairy dust is building up nicely, they're almost at the half way stage 🥰
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    Reactions: Roxxy
    Jem your pictures of Oliver are adorable! He is so precious! 😭❤️ Also, going to the theatre production of My Neighbour Totoro sounds amazing! I hope it is! 😍🌟
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Aw thank you! He is like a giant teddy bear, so affectionate and cuddly! 🥰 Thank you! I’m really looking forward to seeing it, the original composer from the film is part of the team so excited to see his work ☺️
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    Reactions: S.J.
    Hi! Do you still have Pokemon shield?
    Hey! Yeah I still have Pokemon shield :)
    Have you played your switch this week? I heard that it can turn itself off if it’s too hot
    I haven't played my switch a lot recently so haven't noticed any problems in the heat but I'd guess the last couple of days could affect it with how hot it has been, probably cause it to overheat more often
    What a cute lineup! I didn’t realize the Junimo and Spring Bloom Easter Eggs went so well with the Dino Plush 😊
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Thank you! They were my favourites of the new eggs so played around with them in some line up ideas and loved how well they matched! Used most of my bells but was worth it ☺️
    Hi there do you play the new animal crossing game on the switch would love some friends
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Hey, I have the game but don’t play it very frequently anymore as I never seem to have much time around work :(
    Hi! How have you been doing? :) I hope you’ve been well ☺️.
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Hey! I’ve been doing okay thank you, been run down with a bad cough this week but have the weekend off work so plenty of time to rest and recover from it ☺️ how are you? Did you enjoy last weeks egg hunt? Your line up looks really great with the new eggs, the colours all work so well together 🥰
    I hope you feel better soon 🍀💜. I’m doing okay, thanks! ☺️💜 I had a lot of fun with the egg hunt! How about you? Thank you so much! I love your lineup as well! It is so cute and brings a lot of positive energy ☺️.
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    Reactions: JemAC
    Thank you, I think it's starting to pass after resting this weekend ☺️ I'm glad you're doing okay and enjoyed the egg hunt!💜 I had a really good time too with the hunt, some of the clues seemed harder but I really liked that we could work with others on it and help people with the clues 🥰 Thank you! I loved how these eggs matched up with the lil dinos💜
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