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  • I did an auction that ended the 10th of January this year but the person hasn’t payed the tbt yet
    What should I do?
    looks like we're against eachother next in the bracket, im not going to be busy at all for a while now so just let me know when you want to play our matches :)
    I am available anytime after 6pm eastern tomorrow. I can also do it later tonight if you are up for it.
    Yup! I am making the ruleset right now, the thread says that the loser picks next stage but I dunno how I can make that work??
    Yeah you're right but I don't live in the UK, I have the European timezone :/

    And since I have to get up at 5 am each weekday, staying up till' 10 is already a bit too late. Maybe I should've thought this through before participating oops

    I could do Friday though because I start later in the weekends

    EDIT: Just realized you said UK time because I was referring to UK time too. I'm sorry for not clarifying, I usually talk about UK time because most people understand it better than CEST or just European timezones.
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