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  • Hey, OviRy8 and I ran into some problems with time, and I know we can't get an extension as time is thin with the fair. I'm busy all day tomorrow and he's busy all day today, so if we don't get a chance to battle just give it to OviRy8.
    Uh... Ok.. That's kinda upsetting but hey I guess it's my fault. Do I get anything or am I just done? Lol
    They may not because they told me that their Wii U refuses to connect to the internet.
    I was wondering for the Signature & Avatar contest if you were allowed to enter your submission. I wanted to make a slight change to mine, but wasn't sure if it was allowed. I didn't see it listed in the rules so I wanted to double check.
    Hey Jeremy. My opponent hasn't had any activity in the past 3 days, so idk if we can do our matches.
    my opponent hasnt logged on in two days so i dont think we'll be able to do our matches :\
    I'm so good I automatically won the first round. Seems legit. Seriously, though, thanks!
    Awesome bracket! Just so I'm not out of the loop, I take it I have nobody to fight yet until the second round?
    those 11 seashells tho. you've permanently anchored your position on the top of that list. you sly dog ;)
    Oh, right, I think I understand now. Thanks! I guess I'll make my entry now.
    Hi, Jeremy! I'm considering joining the Smash tournament, but there's something I don't understand (it's my first time, to be fair). How exactly does the matching up work? Do I get chosen to play against certain players or something? The bracket stuff is difficult to get my head around in this sense.
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