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  • Hello, I saw you were doing the 'Giver' threads on who gives the most and I thought I may ask if you could think of adding this person...

    Grim Sleeper

    I don't know them or anything and I was asking someone on their cycling thread if they could go down a small bit so I could afford my last dreamie and she couldn't...later on I got a pm saying he had given me what I needed to buy the villager just saying 'here m8 go buy your dreamie-Wolfgang'

    It may not seem much to you but it ment alot to me from a total stranger.
    Ya'll should add and sticky a guide to BBCodes on the Introduction Board or Bell Tree HQ to make it easier on the Newbies. That way, there won't be as many threads regarding BBCoding in the Bell Tree HQ and everything is overall easier.
    Yeah! Like the one for the Smash tournaments.

    But it got post poned for an hour so 4PM CST (44 minutes from now).
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