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  • lol don't try and hide it xD.
    I shall find out. And when I find out, hell will fall mwhahahah
    Lol I mean there has to be more, you can't leave us on that cliffhanger
    Unless you are that evil xD
    Heyyy uh I'm wondering what time roughly is the halloween event thing like starting as in GMT its getting lateish and I really don't wanna sleep through it. If you give me a rough time I could try and stay up but I don't wanna stay up for nothing. Thanks! :3
    Hey there! The pressure's on...Me against the site admin in a tourney XD
    Well please let me know when we can battle. I'll be free most anytime for the next 4 days.
    My ID is Beyond_the_Shore
    The tournament has begun!
    You can find the bracket here (x)
    And the original thread here (x)

    Now get smashing! :cool:
    Who moderates the Gyroid guy? Is it just a computer-controller, or is there an actual person that manages it that you guys keep in a dungeon somewhere?
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