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  • Okay. Well, if you've seen my thread in The Museum (which you probably did) then, you might know some people have been discussing having a separate album in the shop to get, and when gotten it opens up a Cards tab in the Shop/your profile. Is anything like this possible? They were discussing bundling it with 5 starter cards.
    Hello, Jeremy... I was reading the rules, and saw 'Mumble' and like, I don't even know what it is! Am I missing out on a special, secret, amazing organisation? :eek:
    Hi, if possible, I need you to check your PM's asap. Are you a moderator? Just making sure I sent to the right person.
    Could you please consider restocking the collectables? I wanted to get the whole "Dōbutsu no Mori" title but more than half of it is sold out now. I would really appreciate it but know you're busy and it's not exactly a priority. thanks!
    Hey Jeremy! I noticed an old thread you made about the possibility of TBT avatars. Is this ever going to come to fruition, or is it a thing of the past? For a different, unrelated project, I made New Leaf customizable avatars that could be adapted for this. Let me know the good (or bad) news! Thanks!
    Hey are you the maker of the forums? if yes then can you please make it where we can delete threads this place is getting cluttered with stupid post that people want to delete but they cant im one of them! if there is already a thing for this then please tell me if not then please do this im begging you!
    Hi Jeremy! I love the forum, and I'm glad to be a member here. I have a silly question to ask, though! I've pulled together a large pack of extracted textures (from Animal Crossing Wii), and I would like to share them with the community to use for things like patterns, or pixel art projects. Where do you suppose I should post a thread for the texture pack download? Thanks, Jeremy! ~Andi
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