brownboy102 Sep 7, 2014 I need it repaired at EBGames, but I don't have any mean's of transportation there....
doubutsunomori Sep 4, 2014 no problem today i've already adopted kabuki happy birthday, enjoy your day yaay!!
doubutsunomori Sep 4, 2014 hi i know that you're holding fauna for me in your cycle town. thank you so much for doing this. when can i come and take her home?
hi i know that you're holding fauna for me in your cycle town. thank you so much for doing this. when can i come and take her home?
Niena Sep 3, 2014 Hey Jess happys joining us on the cycle. They have so many towns but little interest so their gonna be joining our cycle group. Wanna help me come up with a group named for it?
Hey Jess happys joining us on the cycle. They have so many towns but little interest so their gonna be joining our cycle group. Wanna help me come up with a group named for it?