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  • Yeah! If you click it it takes you to the shop it came from but unfortunately the user left and there is no way to contact them :< Wish I bought more art from them.
    omg Jessy, what's next?

    One day, these moderators will think "idiot" is a swear word. Like SUE ME for hanging around stupid humans!
    Jessy, are you SURE you are capable of opening a door? Because all you seem to do is push it when it says pull, and you pull it when it says push.

    Haha, good point on the jacket and the wallet.

    Let the best gender win!

    Depends on your context. What you're saying is true, but also when people say "cows go moo", which is rare, it is a form of sarcasm. For example:

    Someone said, "This guy has a Kiwi accent!"
    I said, "Cows go moo. Of course Sherlock! Not rocket science..."

    I listened to it and it's hilarious. Any other songs you'd like to share?
    Awesome party, hope you have fun.

    You are lucky to see Shawn in concert!

    Avril is a rock queen, and great with singing overall. I haven't heard of that song yet. What is it about?
    Aw, c'mon Jessy! Okay then. I accept that.

    So, what are you up to today? What is your favourite song or songs to listen to right now?

    I heard you are going to a Shawn Mendes concert tomorrow!
    Alright, how about we change the subject. Today on Animal Crossing New Leaf, I received a badge from Phineas for catching bugs. The silver! Also, how many weeds are in your town? Can I come over soon?
    Good luck mate.

    Moyza can hardly play thanks to injuries. By the time 2020 season is over, he'd have to retire due to so many injuries. It's not like he can play much anymore.
    Haha. I know. Still my favourite player.

    He might not actually support Arsenal F.C. though.
    No problemo! And again congrats on turning 20 man! <3

    Yeah, I'm sure you are with university and all. I hope things have been going well for you <3
    Yo, Happy Birthday! I hope today will be amazing! ❤

    I miss talking to ya - hope you've been doing well man :)
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