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  • i'll try to message you right when i get home from school so you don't have to stay up late. alternatively, we could trade rn. i have to leave soon, though
    heya, i can still get you one of the other villagers you need if you'd like :) same price~
    no problem! you can also just click someone else's bells in their side bar in posts and it'll do the same thing~ i'm opening my gates for you now :) please make your own way to Lucky's house and tell me when you've adopted -- i'll end session!
    yep! if you look just under the top hot bar (here) go to currency, click your bells, and click change (To Account - Change). put my username, 5 tbt, and transfer! don't do it yet though, you can wait til you adopt Lucky. i'll get him ready for you now! should be 15-20 minutes
    Sure :) I'll be charging 5 tbt for him. Do you know what tbt are? (Just notice you've joined pretty recently!)
    hiya, i can get you any of the villagers you mentioned on the looking for thread~
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