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  • My gates are open you can run in my town buys its covered in trees. :/ good luck. I left you costume at the gate
    Wow, you are all stocked up. You can sell them for tons of bells too, and why aren't you finding Cruella a boyfriend? D:

    I still am not entirely sure how the Best Friend feature works. I don't think you have to be visiting the other person to add them, but you might have to have been in their town before in order to be able to add them? I don't know. I will confirm with people this week so they don't leave me out on the street. :p
    Oh, okay then.

    Yeah, but I still don't know if all those people will add me back. Right now I know I will have 2 mutual Best Friends. Haha, I am afraid to ask the other people right away. :p I guess I better ask them now though, huh?
    My teachers always said that European countries learn their native languages and then also English making it seem that Americans were the only monolinguals. I knew there was not a complete truth to that. :D

    I am back down to 65 friends now and I found some people that I forgot I wanted to add as Best Friends, so yeah now I have 12 in mind. :D
    Yeah, Australian time is really tough to work around. :/
    Haha, I know Spanish and I know English and I know enough to maintain a 4 minute conversation in German, but I do not know a word of French.
    It's a good thing we are in different time zones then!
    I deleted like 30 people. I think I deleted my only Australian friends too. Oh well.
    I will be at your town in a few hours, breakfast is ready now. :)
    Thats sweet! I would totally be there but I dont have my city folk game anymore :s I gave it to a friend a while ago :(
    I am going to be playing all around the clock so time zones won't really be an issue. The only time period that I will not be playing at AT ALL or will only be playing at times where I cannot sleep or I get home late or something is from 1 am to 4 am.
    Well, I am off to delete some people off my friends list to make room for some of my friends who I just found out are getting the game. Then I am off to bed.

    See you later!
    You'd be surprised at who has an empty list. Most people don't ask me, I have to ask them and urgh, biggest regret ever for the msot part because now I have so many people. Yeah, I really only want regional friends for the holidays. One from each reason is enough but it's always good to have back-up friends, lol that sounds so weird. Yeah, I am definitely nervous of people stealing my flowers mainly because I won't know WHO it was and have to delete like half of my friends list to know I got rid of them. xD
    Oh, sorry I forgot to answer your question. I think the duds are sometimes random, but they are much more likely on days/weeks with ill-luck.
    I go through people fairly fast haha, but only those that I don't become close with. Right now, I'd say I have about those same 7 people that I am directly close with, as in I talk to them over the internet, swapnote, in real life, etc. Then there are about another 20 or 30 that I am indirectly close with who I will see post a lot on the forums and we'll start a conversation every now and then. And then there are the others who I have had no contact with since I added them. xD It is just a scary thought keeping them on your Friends List. But some of them are from other regions and it's like gah...materialism. xD
    I am pretty sure it is random, except for when you have "an unlucky day" in which case you'll be receiving the dud fortunes. :/
    Yeah, I've decided I am going to go delete some people, some of whom I have literally added within the past 24 hours. Most won't even notice though. Hell, some people deleted me a few weeks ago and I still haven't found out who it was. xD
    I only bought a few of them. My favorite is the snowflakes.
    You better go start shaking your 3DS or go for a walk or something. :D
    All I know is that it's in the early 60's.
    I use the Play Coin stationery more than the special stationery anyways, with the exception of that new AC:NL stationery. But I swear everytime a new stationery comes out everyone on my friends list sends out a swapnote with it saying "Be sure to get this new stationery" so I just start doing that as well. xD I disabled Spotpass on swapnote all last week though, so whew no letters.
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