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  • Lol I saw my crush for the first time in like forever yesterday

    And it was my math teachers fault

    My moms letting me switch math teachers :D
    I had milk for lunch

    Just milk

    My vice priciple tried to give me a cookie. The cookies became gross as of last week.

    I got kicked out of the pizza line. So I went to a chicken line

    And the chicken that the schools serve is pure ****. It's PINK

    So I just drank milk

    im good!! sorry omg
    i was busy like all day today xDD
    i had drama club and then a friend and i went out XD
    fall to rapmons charms heheh... JUST KIDDING HE IS MY HUSBAND SO LMAO anyway me rn:
    me: SShhHHSH *claps along to taeyeons part*
    bigbang was my first omg. Their Still Alive album is perfect. I love Ego so much. TOP is like my fave. Same with got7, I really like A from them and their music videos are great
    true but he can't top my ultimate bias atm, Junhoe. He's just so cute and the blond looks so good on him. All of these bands are too much for me!
    Haha no I know what you mean about rapmon lol. There's just something about him that's great
    J-hope's dancing is so good. I keep wanting to like rapmon but whenever I do he does something problematic :( his rapping is seriously amazing though, it's so good!
    Yes! I like Red Velvet a lot :D Ikon's album takes a lot of getting used to because there wasn't really a concept but I do like them a lot. Bobby is such an amazing k-rapper, his stuff out of the group is really good(his smtm3 stuff and Born Hater). Ooo and Junhoe's voice. After watching American Hustle Life probably Jimin or V, maybe Jungkook. They're all so great.
    haha that's actually why my friend wants to make the video with me because they do this thing where they show fan videos. Oh listen to Giriboy, his music is so nice and maybe Ikon! For Giriboy listen to Back and Forth 30 min and Hogu. For Ikon listen to Airplane, Rhythm Ta, and Dumb and Dumber :)
    My friend showed them to me because we're doing a dance to one of their songs and I'm like obsessed. I had their albums for a while but I just started really listening to them and I've been watching American Hustle Life. They're so great
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