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  • ah, let me guess you were dreaming
    when i dream i sleep in for to long
    anyways wb from ur sleep
    ok he gone, let me know when your online
    also i need to know your 3ds FC cause its not in (about me)
    Oh yes of course! Don’t be sorry, I would have suggested waiting if I knew it was 3AM for you. It’ll probably be night for me by your tomorrow but I’m sure I’ll still be on :)
    Oh no my sister wants us to go to bed now I don't have time to pick up Cranston, do you think you can hold him up for one more day which is tomorrow?
    hi! I left my gates open for you incase i fall asleep so you can get maddie, so incase i don’t respond in the game it’s because i’ve probably fallen asleep lol
    okay I'm going to kick out a villager right after I try to visit this town
    its keep doing errors
    I kick out villagers pretty fast and I also would like to know how long do you think you can keep Cranston in boxes?
    great to hear, sorry rn I'm visiting a friends town
    and also I wonder does it work this way, I have the campsite but I still have nine villagers, do you think I'm able to move in Cranston or do I have to get the 10th villager from the campsite?
    But if it doesn't work that way then I'll go try to kick out a villager after I'm done visiting my friends town. Sorry a villager stolen his spot
    yes it is (i meant to update it but i’ve been busy) i’ll be home after 3:30pm-ish today after work, just post your request on my thread and i’ll get to it when i get home :blush:
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