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  • its kind of a bad idea but remember the last time i had a chatzy set up and a bunch of people sabotaged it...?
    im shaking right now lmao
    i cant believe i let some meaningless people get to me like this hnnn
    my adrenaline is rushing and i just hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    they're phonies. i don't care if they see this either. im not mad, i'm just... concerned for them. honestly.
    could i pm you something?
    i have a feeling they have this secret.... and it dealt with that anon in my chatzy... i have a feeling that i know who 'mlg' was in my chatzy, but nobody would believe me because she's just a goody two shoes.
    what the hell....
    im so sorry mon...
    you were such a better admin, but they're just...
    changing. aren't they...?
    I totally agree, which really sucks, because the reason I still go on here is to talk to people. I don't have many irl friends that I talk to, so I go on here to chat with people so I don't get sad or whatever.
    But I'm also afraid to join any other forums, because I'm only 12, and I feel like a lot of forums are 13+. Thankfully, this one isn't, but that's really understandable why it isn't.
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