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  • Hey Ella, would you mind unbanning me from chatzy for a sec? I need to say something
    i know right? omgggggggg hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    and omg you need to check out the war of hormone mv iTS SOOOO AMAZING
    you're so sweet, omg. i cant wait to find a way to fix my lineup for it. ima cry <33
    well, i've always loved j-pop, but when you were fangirling over BTS i decided to look into it! ^o^
    V is my life omg and so is Jungkook <33
    It is, but she gives us tests from previous years as practice. If we do good, she takes them as a grade. If we all fail, she doesn't take it as a grade... but I still hate the tests either way... xC
    that's how I feel
    everyone says I'm so nice, and a great friend, and it's like "If I really was, then someone would like me"
    and not just like me, like like me.

    anyways, sorry, I wasn't on. and no one is in it now so rip
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