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  • hey idk if you still wanted your sig like in the example in ur thread but I got the table code for that anyways lol:


    credit to signature icons

    credit for avatar

    happy times
    ;-; I'm so sorrrrrry, maybe try to be behind him in line?

    I'm gonna sleep now, good night! :)
    oml this is so much more complicated than my school ;w; UM does he play a game during recess? Like basketball or something?
    You and maybe someone else should casually sit down at the same table as him and when he talks about something you know about, be like "Oh, I heard about that!"
    Wow x3 There was this one kid in like 3rd grade who I liked for a total of 5 seconds before he yelled at me for no reason
    At least you know you like someone, I'm over here confused asf by someone in my class
    What about your crushes do you like?
    oh wow ;-; That's so odd, I've never heard of that. do you like anyone in your grade? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    yeah ;-; Also, my school's not even great anyways, so there's no point in me staying except for the small group of friends I have
    Ugh, yeah, it sucks. That's why lately I've started to hate going to school. Nothing about it is fun anymore. Like, nothing.
    Thanks! Yeah, I guess some of isn't really typical. But since my friends left and my other friends are in different classes, I don't have anyone to talk to OTL

    By the way, sorry for snapping at you earlier! It was just not my week orz
    Way more homework than usual, lack of sleep on school days, some jerks at school, and 3 of my friends left the school after winter break. Also, in a separate game I play, a very important event just started and I've been stressed over that too.
    sorry about that, really. This week has just been atrocious for me and then Ajay skipping my song because he didn't like it only made it worse
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