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    On my way home yesterday, there was an ambulance. We get over a hill, and theres like 10 flashing lights of emergency vehicles with glass EVERYWHERE. We got up there, there was a head on collision, so someone was hospitalized.
    almsot 3 years ago ish. end of 2013 is when i came down to visit for a few months, and then i ended up moving down here in like.. march of 2014. ~ been here since.

    i had lost my roomate whom i was living w/ in colorado, and i hadn't seen my dad's side of my family in over like 5 years so i asked if i could come spend a month down here in texas with them and catch up, and then my step mom went through a major surgery and they asked if i'd extend my stay and help out (bc i have 3 drastically younger than me siblings on this side of the family) and i said sure, and then eventually they just asked me to move in. so i stayed in texas. but now i've got my own place and it's weird living here in this state not knowing many people. X')

    did you grow up in your part of texas?
    i grew up in colorado so moving to texas was kinda a huge culture shock for me. since this location is predominantly Hispanic / Latino and where i'm from it's a little melting pot but it's predominantly white i guess. so everyone here speaking Spanish throws me off because i don't understand any spanish and it's super hard to communicate with 99% of the population here. haha. I FEEL YOUR PAIN DEAR.
    Alice isn't fully evil yet, but that would be cool! 8D
    yasss corrupt gems shall win

    also are you interested in mafia? I was planning on making a Dark Crystal mini-mafia in chatzy, just to get used to it before I join one.
    :rolleyes: so, are ya up to it?
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