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  • chocolate wants you to give her back whatever in the orange box back when you get it because she expected an orange gift back
    I don't have to play my violin for the remaining days, but still have to bring my backpack. Everyday.

    I also bring my math books to every class lol

    I'm gonna have homework tomorrow but not on friday YAY!
    We had grilled cheese, and the whole thing was black. Like wtf are you serving me food or a piece of tire?
    When do you get out for Christmas break? I have tomorrow and Friday then I'm out until the 4th I believe
    We had grilled cheese, and the whole thing was black. Like wtf are you serving me food or a piece of tire?
    Oh lmao, my school food is kinda gross. So kinda one of the reasons why I don't eat.
    Well, maybe at school you can eat healthy? So atleast your balancing out the fatty foods.
    If he isn't in any of you're classes, it doesn't mean you can't like him! I had a crush on a girl myself who wasn't in any of my classes, but to this date we're like best friends.

    What I would do is see what he does after school, or atleast try smiling to him in the hall way, and see if he comes to meet you c:
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