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  • Yes, I love MLP! c: I'm a little behind on the new season but I will watch the new episodes when I have time. Me and two of my friends irl are so obsessed with it...XD
    Ahhh, man, I wish I could got something xP
    And although there's an English dub, I'd say to watch it in French with the subtitles since they sound so much better.
    If you're a good enough reader it shouldn't be a problem!
    A restock on what? =o
    And as for Netlfix, you should check out Wakfu, the show that my sig and avatar are from! It's a really superb show imo.
    Good luck with your drawing tho, I believe in ya!
    Sounds good! I went over to a friends house from 5pm until 11pm, and I'm just getting ready to lay down and watch some Netflix x3
    Oh, that's cool! It's a win-win situation: less school for a new friend xD
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    Rise my Spider army! RISEE!
    Yor so lucky

    I was: | | this close to getting an apple BUT THEN THEY SOLD OUT T.T
    No. I created a 24 x 24 transparent thing and drew on it, then later added the background after I saved the transparent
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