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  • It's fine! But, for the signature idea, for now I will do my TP quest, and then I will consider some thought into what I should display. :)
    are you in the witness protection program or something?
    LOL "KawaiiX3" then "cookiecrisp", then "sugarella"
    Hahaha I'll think about it! :3 I rather us try to get to know each other more first! :)
    Ohhh wasn't that a whilleeeee back? Hahaha xD I rejected it a few weeks ago.
    Faith in humanity completely almost completely restored.
    Do you know Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends?
    You know I'm there
    I'm just not drawn in
    It's pretty damn cute. You look like a powerpuff girl
    If you don't know who the powerpuff girls are I will lose all faith in the future of humanity.
    Brb, I need to go put my heart together. You broke it. I'm not even third wheel XD
    I'm the spare wheel in the back XD
    Oh, I thought it actually happened.
    Anyway, I've never even had that cereal XD

    And, if Apo- EMI ever talks about rewarding me, tell him not too.
    OH, maybe I read it wrong. It had to with the "What should I change my username too?" Thread
    Nonetheless, I don't care about being paid back or anything. It's all out of generousity.
    Honestly, I heard about what people were calling you and I decided it was rude and not fair. That's really what drove me towards giving you those bells.

    I don't like to see people being put down. It's unnacceptable, especially in today's society.

    "Dumb cereal"

    Those people who said that are stupid.
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