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  • lol just look at the color codes, learn their faces, then try to match them in the MVs

    lmao XD

    I'll eventually remember their names and faces :p

    it takes time, like me remembering SNSDs faces XD
    Save me
    I need you
    Blood, Sweat, and Tears

    and probably more, i've been listening from youtube and its been on autoplay
    i haven't seen all the names
    awww :( i wish i could go to school with you too XD

    people in my school use instagram, and what ive found is that it really helps people notice you. it helps me talk to new people without needing to talk to their face
    thats weird

    I have science 5th hour id have b if i went to school with you lol
    wth how do you not have lunch together??

    our lunch is split into 8th grade and 7th grade (used to be 6th grade and 7th grade but they changed shiz) yeah ill try to approach her in the mornings and maybe after science if my cousin and crush arent there lmao
    i have 8th grade with him and i have science and we both go to the gym after lunch to chill until the 5th hour bell rings

    how should i approach him? my friend who is friends with him has science with us, so should i talk to her?
    thats nice of him!!

    i hope so too, because in 9th grade hes gonna go to a different high school (same with my cousin, which im p sad about) so i wanna talk to him
    at least youre his friend kinda XD

    my crush ignores my texts, but im friends with one of his lady friends (not girlfriend, but just friends) and i hope that she can get me and him to talk a little
    my cousin texted my crush ;-;

    he said: "hey (crushesname)" "this is (myname)'s cousin"

    i almost had a panic attack he almost told my crush that i like him
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