ZetaFunction Mar 15, 2016 Well..... and LOL he probably has the hots for you but doesn't want you to know I know I was that way awhile with all my crushes until I got the courage to say my feelings
Well..... and LOL he probably has the hots for you but doesn't want you to know I know I was that way awhile with all my crushes until I got the courage to say my feelings
ZetaFunction Mar 15, 2016 o: ..... XD well at least he knows you like him, so I guess that's the first step to the beginning of a relationship, eh?
o: ..... XD well at least he knows you like him, so I guess that's the first step to the beginning of a relationship, eh?
milkyi Mar 15, 2016 layla got banned for making a thread called 'insult the user above you' and she had too many post qualities too.
layla got banned for making a thread called 'insult the user above you' and she had too many post qualities too.