tae Feb 28, 2016 paths and villagers are always hard im gonna get rid of kyle and bones from my town and get midge and idk who else..
paths and villagers are always hard im gonna get rid of kyle and bones from my town and get midge and idk who else..
tae Feb 28, 2016 i wanna visit your dream town sometime though! let me know when you've got some stuff up and running so i can bug your villagers :')
i wanna visit your dream town sometime though! let me know when you've got some stuff up and running so i can bug your villagers :')
tae Feb 28, 2016 yeah! lay is in his Call Me Baby era outfit. and baekhyun is in his exo showtime one! i spent hours on QR shirts for them omfg. X')))
yeah! lay is in his Call Me Baby era outfit. and baekhyun is in his exo showtime one! i spent hours on QR shirts for them omfg. X')))
tae Feb 28, 2016 nah we allows them to be like, a certain distance apart. i think you need 2 spaces between houses! i love it ahhaha. thank you i'm so glad you liked my town. <333
nah we allows them to be like, a certain distance apart. i think you need 2 spaces between houses! i love it ahhaha. thank you i'm so glad you liked my town. <333
Locket Feb 28, 2016 She was there when I was there yesterday. I just waited to tell you when I got home because...
Locket Feb 28, 2016 She didn't feel loved? My grandma treats her a lil hard. She took an overdose of pills and so they took her to the hospital. When my grandma told me, I thought she told me she was dead o.o
She didn't feel loved? My grandma treats her a lil hard. She took an overdose of pills and so they took her to the hospital. When my grandma told me, I thought she told me she was dead o.o
Nightmares Feb 28, 2016 What size are you lmao And I have to start listening to some more Korean music now haha
Nightmares Feb 28, 2016 Yeah, I'm just stalking threads and listening to vocaloid xD And oh, where are you going?