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  • paths and villagers are always hard
    im gonna get rid of kyle and bones from my town and get midge and idk who else..
    i wanna visit your dream town sometime though! let me know when you've got some stuff up and running so i can bug your villagers :')
    yeah! lay is in his Call Me Baby era outfit. and baekhyun is in his exo showtime one! i spent hours on QR shirts for them omfg. X')))
    nah we allows them to be like, a certain distance apart. i think you need 2 spaces between houses! :D
    i love it ahhaha. thank you i'm so glad you liked my town. <333
    She was there when I was there yesterday. I just waited to tell you when I got home because...
    She didn't feel loved? My grandma treats her a lil hard.
    She took an overdose of pills and so they took her to the hospital.

    When my grandma told me, I thought she told me she was dead o.o
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